While that's good it still doesn't address the actual problem. Throughput, even if reduced, is still throughput whether or not it lacks potency.As a Cleric that has a Dom focusing me and mana wrenching me, I will have no throughput. I'm completely devoid of the capability to have ANY throughput because I end up not having enough resource to use abilities.So I can either hope my mana tonic/potion is off CD and/or channel to get mana back. Then I have to hope I don't get interrupted, oh crap now Mana Wrench is off CD. This isn't even factoring in other classes interacting with the Dom or even other things like Priest's Lament, Arresting Presence... And then it's like even without a Dom, I'm still managing mana. I hate to throw in the word fair, but it ain't fair, period. :(
Vladd: Primalist & Drains
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