Greetings, Ascended!Welcome to the 3.4 Known Issues Thread, where we hope to inform you of issues we are currently aware of, fixes that are coming soon, and issues that have been resolved.Feel free to post any bugs you encounter here in this thread as well!KNOWN ISSUESn/aCOMING SOON IN A HOTFIXPRIMALIST* After purchasing the Primalist from the RIFT Store, you need to log out of the game, sign out of Glyph in the top right corner, and then log back in.* Planar Attunement: Tempest Weapon Enchant still gives strength.* Planar Attunement: Element overview and Attack Power nodes reference items not used by Primalists.PLANETOUCHED WILDS* Quest: Monkey Business: Cunning Babaroo Females cause confusion.* World Boss: Khadluu Ukher: De-aggro range for world boss seems very small.MISCELLANEOUS* Buffs that increase a character’s attack or spell power cause the player’s cape to fly up.* /spoilsouls isn’t outputting data for Primalist souls.* Two Tam Daggerbornes in Ovog Shrine.* Sky Whale goes through the cliff rock.RESOLVED ISSUESn/a
CM Morgana: 3.4 Known Issues Thread
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