mercredi 7 octobre 2015

Hi - Newbie needs some help


Recently downloaded game & have a few questions:

1) I'm from the UK but have defaulted to North American shard, is there any issues with starting a new character on European servers?

2) Spent £20 & used it on unlocking inventory slots & buying 4th profession.

a) do these carry over to all other characters?
b) I have about 250 crystals left - do these transfer over?
c) If I delete my character what happens to any currencies?, happy for all in-game to disappear but not the paid ones!

3) What is the limit to number of characters allowed?

Thanks in advance - quite a steep learning curve as is my first ever MMO (WoW's subscription always turned me off - don't mind paying once I see what I'm getting)

Hi - Newbie needs some help

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