samedi 3 octobre 2015

Kale's proposed for Dominator changes.


0 Points: Malevolent Bolt (Damage) - Deals ??? to ??? Death damage. Generates one stack of dominating presence per tick (if unlocked on the soul tree, stacks up to 4 times). Cast time - 1.5 seconds. +12 Charge.
0 Points: Neural Prod - Deals ??? to ??? Death damage. Instant Cast. + 8 Charge.

2 Points (CC): Death Blast - Deals ??? to ??? Death damage, interrupts the target. Instant - No GCD. Cooldown: 10 seconds. + 8 Charge.

4 Points: Voltaic Feedback (Debuff) - Deals ??? Initial Air damage then deals ??? air damage to the enemy whenever they use an ability. Can occur a total of 5 times. Instant. Last 10 seconds. Cooldown: 4 seconds. (This ability is also changed to function like Countdown, it can not be cast on a target that is already affect by it. )

8 Points (NEW ABILITY): Restorative Command - Causes the next hostile spell cast on the target to heal the target for half of the damage that would have been done. Instant - No GCD. Cooldown: 20 Seconds. -30 Charge. (Comment: in an effort to make reflects non-exclusive to mages, it is within my best opinion to remove the regular reflects from dominator so they are not exclusive and instead change these abilities into a type of healing buff. )

12 Points: Mana Wrench (Damage) - Deals ??? Death damage over 3 seconds. Each tick drains mana, energy and power. Restores 2% of the Mage's mana each second. Generate's one stack of dominating presence per tick (if unlocked on the soul tree, stacks up to 4 times). Instant. 3 Second channel. No CD.

16 Points (NEW ABILITY): Bolt of Suffering - Deals ??? Death damage (hits harder than Malevolent Bolt) and places a debuff on the target, causing the target to take 10% more damage for 10 seconds (Debuff does not stack with Bolt of Domination). 2 second cast time(Cast time is reduced by 25% per stack of "Dominating Presence", clears the stacks once casted). . Cooldown: 10 seconds. +12 Charge.

16 Points (NEW ABILITY): Bolt of Domination - Deals ??? Death damage (hits harder than Malevolent Bolt) and places a debuff on the target, reducing damage done by the target for 10 seconds (Debuff does not stack with Bolt of Suffering). 2 second cast time (Cast time is reduced by 25% per stack of "Dominating Presence", clears the stacks once casted). Cooldown: 10 seconds. +12 Charge.

20 Points (NEW ABILITY): Wave of Denial (Support) - Cleanses one debuff from all party/raid members. Instant. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

24 Points: Pain Armor (Mage Armor) - Increases the Mage's damage done by 5% and deals ??? death damage back to an attacker when the mage is hit.

24 Points: Degeneration (CC) - Removes 1 buff. Instant. Cooldown: 15 seconds.

28 Points: Haunting Pain - (DoT) Places 10 stacks of Haunting Pain, deals ??? death damage over 10 seconds per stack. Reduces healing to the target by 5/10/15% (If the mage has points in lingering pain) and slows the target by 30%. Instant cast. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

32 Points: Death's Edit (CC) - Stuns the target for 4 seconds. Instant. 30 second cooldown.

36 Points (NEW ABILITY): Restorative Presence (Buff) - Places a buff on the raid, causing the next hostile spell cast on a raid member to heal the target for 25% of the damage that would have been done. Instant - No GCD. Cooldown: 20 Seconds. -50 Charge. (Comment: in an effort to make reflects non-exclusive to mages, it is within my best opinion to remove the regular reflects from dominator so they are not exclusive and instead change these abilities into a type of healing buff. )

40 Points: Grasping Void (AoE, Player Placement) - Places an AoE on the ground that reduces enemy movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds. Instant. Cooldown: 15 seconds.

44 Points: Void Wall (AoE, Player Placement) - Places an AoE on the ground that deals ??? death damage on up to ten enemies over ten seconds. Instant. Cooldown: 20 seconds. + 8 Charge.

48 Points: Mass Betrayal (Same effects as before, but moved to 48 points instead of 51 and a change to charge gained). +8 Charge.

51 Points (NEW ABILITY): Empowerment (Buff) - Places a buff on the mages that causes the next "Mana Wrench" to cast an additional "Malevolent Bolt"for every 1.5 second of the channel. Instant. Cooldown: 60 seconds.

54 Points (NEW ABILITY): Supportive Presence (Buff) - Allies within a certain distance of the Dominator have their ability costs reduced by 5% ( doesn't stack with living energy and whatever the bard one is called).

58 Points (NEW ABILITY): Unseen Presence: Stealths the Dominator until damage is taken or an ability is cast. Movement is permitted. This ability may not be cast in combat. Cooldown: 20 seconds.

61 Points (NEW ABILITY) (Mage Armor): Armor of the Dominator (Male toons) or Armor of the Dominatrix (Female toons) - Increases the Mage's damage done by 15% and deals ??? death damage back to an attacker when the mage is hit and has a chance to transmogrify the enemy for 30s until further damaged (Is not procced by AoE, only direct targeting). The mage also has a random chance to transform into a shade with each ability use. This armor cannot be purged.


Soul Tree:

Tier 1:

Magical Reserves 5/5 - Increases your spell power by 2/4/6/8/10%.

Arch Mage 5/5 - Increases your range by 1/2/3/4/5 meters. Reduces mana cost of your bolts by 2/4/6/8/10%.

Tier 2:

Extended Feedback 2/2 - Increases the number of times voltaic feedback can proc by 2/4.

Priest's Lament 1/1 - (Ability) Unchanged.

Unlimited Power 3/3 - Increases your damage by 2/4/6%.

Hastened Restoration 5/5 - Reduces the cooldown of Restorative by 2/4/6/8/10.

Tier 3:

Dominating Presence 5/5 - Each cast of Malevolent Bolt or tick of Mana Drain places a stack of "Dominating Presence" which reduces the cast time of Bolt of Suffering and Bolt of Domination by 20/40/60/80/100%.

Improved Mana Wrench 3/3 - Unchanged. (Cept for the reduced CD)

Malevolent Shield 1/1 - (Ability) Unchanged.

Tier 4:

Transference 1/1 - (Ability) Unchanged.

Dominant Personality 5/5- Increases the affect of spellpower on Dominator abilities by 2/4/6/8/10%.

Extended Effects 2/2 - Increases the duration of BoD and BoS by 10/20 seconds.

Tier 5:

Painful Bolt 3/3 - Causes "Malevolent Bolt" to place a debuff on the target that increases the the damage taken from the mage by 2/4/6%.

Local Control 2/2 - Each successful cast of CC increases the mage's unmounted movement speed by 20% for 10 seconds.

Split Personality 1/1 - (Ability) Summons 3 shades to assist the mage. These shades deal ??? to ??? AoE death damage that can hit up to three enemies. Lasts 20 seconds. Instant cast. Cooldown: Two minutes. (LINK B)

Tier 6:

(LINK B) Splintered Mind 1/1 - Reduces the cooldown of "Split Personality" by 30 seconds.
Essence of Control 2/2 - Reduces the GCD of all Dominator abilities to 1.25/1.00 seconds and reduces their mana cost by 10/20%.

Improved Malevolent Bolt 2/2 - Reduces the cast time of Void Bolt by 0.25/0.5 seconds and it's mana cost by 5/10%.

Tier 7:

Traitorous Influence 1/1 - (Ability) Unchanged.

Continuous Denial 2/2 - Reduces the cooldown of "Waves of Denial" by 10/20 seconds.

Vampiric Drain 3/3 - Causes Mana Drain to heal the mage for 5/10/15% of it's damage.

Tier 8:

Arresting Presence 1/1 - (Ability) No Change.

Lingering Pain 3/3 - Causes "Haunting Pain" to place a debuff on the target that reduces healing received by 5/10/15%.

Tier 9:

Full Control - (NEW ABILITY) Spreads all current debuffs on your target on up to eight nearby enemies. Instant. Cooldown: 30 seconds.


On that note, I didn't put in damage values so that way no one could argue OP damage. My proposed changes make Dom more into a DPS soul while still retaining several support elements and crowd-control. I also tacked on that healing debuff to counter those Karthan Ridge healfests, which might get some rage. On that note, debate and discuss.

TLDR, read the post.

(Auto correct on the title, GG. Ocho, if you roll around here can you fix the title, proposed is meant to be proposal.)

Kale's proposed for Dominator changes.

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