dimanche 20 septembre 2015

WTB Dimension Items Fished Up By Uncle Stan's Lure (NA Shards)

I'm looking to buy Dimension items that can only be fished up by Uncle Stan's Lure. Mostly looking for different statues and decorative pieces. If anyone is interested in selling to me, shoot me a tell in game to Solaura@Greybriar or send me a forum private message. I can buy on any N.A. Shard. I'm Willing to pay a pretty penny for the items I need.

Here's a list of Items I definitely want,(*** for Items I really want)

Kameleono Statue***

Silverwood Billboard***

Copper Hammerwielder Statue*** (or any other statues that look like this one)

Golden Kameleono Statue

Guardian Stepping Stone

Defiant Centerpiece

Floating Sanctum Crystal

Large Compass Platform

Stone Bridge

Griffin Statue

Dwarf Warrior Statue

Dragon Wall Adornment

Dragonian Statue

WTB Dimension Items Fished Up By Uncle Stan's Lure (NA Shards)

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