dimanche 20 septembre 2015

New and got a question ^_^

Hello! I'm pretty much brand new to the game, only having started two days ago and dabbled about on a rogue. I fell in love with the game straight away and my main focus in it will be Dimensions and dungeoning. Perhaps someday far in the future raiding, who knows!

Anyways! I've decided on a beautiful female dwarf, and she's going to be a mage. After prowling this forum I have ordered the Rift Storm Legion bundle which also has the core game for the bonuses because I want to play a Harbinger/Chloro mix.

The problem though is that it'll reach me around the 25th, which is about 5 days from now, maybe a day earlier (I can hope!) and was wondering what to do in the meantime considering I can't play Harbinger yet? Should I start the mage as a summoner and once I get the order switch to what I'd prefer to play? Should I derp around on other classes?

I don't want to level too high on the mage and then switch specc and not be able to play it is what I'm afraid of. So I'm asking you guys on how to approach this little dilemma. All I know is, I want to playyyyy!

Thank you for reading this, have a nice day!

New and got a question ^_^

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